Blessings Brothers and Sisters!
We bring you up to date events and important information you need to know.
If you need to post your events here on the website or on our Facebook Page, please email
NO Livestreaming of Masses
We would like to remind all about the livestreaming of Sunday Masses and other liturgical celebrations are not allowed. if livestreaming of masses are to be done, this will need to have a formal notice to the public and approval. For more information and the direct Memo, please follow the link below.
Car Blessings after the Mass
Car blessings after the mass will only be done on 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. If you want to have your car blessed, please approach Jonathan Arcular (02102791249) for further assistance.
Parking Reminders:
All who are attending Masses and other events at St Benedict's church are required to be attentive and aware where you park your vehicle. For more detailed information, please follow the link below for more information. if you have been wrongfully penalised during Easter and the Times that have been organised for free (e.g. Saturdays from 12pm to End of Sunday). Please follow the link below for further instructions.

Our Lady of Manaoag Novena and Fiesta
The Devotees of the Our Lady of Manaoag is inviting us to their upcoming Novena and Fiesta. Please refer to the poster below for more information.

Sacraments of Initiation - Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation
Baptism Information:
If you wish for your child to be baptised, please email the St Benedict's Office ( for more information. First Communion and Confirmation:
The Chaplaincy has now opened up applications for your Child to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and Communion. Application Deadline is on the 30th June 2024. For more information on how to apply and download the enrolment form, please click on the link below.
You can also join the St Benedict's Parish Sacramental Programme, if you think that the Chaplaincy's timeline and session times do not fit in within your personal schedule. Please email the St Benedict's Office for more information (
Altar Server's Investiture Ceremony for New Members
Congratulations to the new members of the Knights and Dames of the Altar!
The Chaplaincy has gained 10 new members into the ministry, now totalling at around 30 active members. If you child, or you know anyone, who is keen to join this ministry, please reach out to Jeremie De Guzman (, 022 428 7034).
Note: photos below are posted after seeking a written permission.

CFC Praise and Worship Event
Established in 2009, Liveloud is an advocacy that promotes and declares the Word through Catholic music. Through their dynamic performances and soul-stirring songs, they have touched the hearts of audiences around the world, spreading the message of love, hope, and faith. The band was one of the few groups chosen to perform on World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal.
Event details:
Date: 18 May 2024 Saturday
Time: Doors open at 4:00PM.
Venue: Victory Convention Centre | 98 Beaumont Street, Freemans Bay, Auckland
Admission is by ticket purchase with prices set at $55 for individuals aged 18 years and above, and $35 for those aged 17 years and below. Tickets can be purchased through this link:
Safeguarding Seminars
It is very important for all volunteers who are either directly or indirectly involved with interacting with people. Especially for individuals (from ages 18 and above) who may interact with Children and Vulnerable Adults as part of their ministry role, to take part of any of the Safeguarding Seminars and to be police vetted. Please note that these are organised by the Catholic Diocese of Auckland. The Once you have this completed, you will be permitted to go on with your ministry activities for three (3) years.
Roles that are required to go through this process as follows below:
Pastoral Council Members.
Individuals with Coordinator Roles.
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion.
Senior Altar Server Leaders (who are above 18 years old).
Individuals who are part of the Children's Liturgy.
Any individuals who are part of any of the Service Committees (Hospitality, Ushers, First Aiders, Migrant Outreach).
Technology Team (Social Media).
Please refer to the attached poster for the dates, and contact Lisa-May Gray ( for more information and availability.
If you are not part of any of the required groups, we still encourage you to attend one of these seminars. More people trained, more people will be aware, and to protect vulnerable individuals physically, mentally, and also virtually.
For more information, please click here to learn more about the safeguarding initiatives from the Diocese. Below are some of the available dates for you to know, if you are interested to attend one of the seminars.

Liturgy & Ministry Formation Sessions organised by the Diocese
If you are planning to attend one of the remaining seminars, please email and so that we can organise your commissioning. Please note that the Commissioning of all that have gone through one of these sessions will be on the 26th May 2024 (Sunday, during the Filipino Mass).
The Liturgy Centre is offering liturgical ministry workshops across the deaneries, which will cover training/refreshers for Ministers of the Word and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. These workshops will consist of context, prayer, and practical formation in these areas.
Participants will only need to attend ONEÂ of these workshops. All will receive a certificate at completion, which will be posted to their parish and presented at mass on a chosen date/time.
Each session will be held on a specific Sunday at a parish within the designated deanery, from 1pm-3pm (with light lunch provided).
5th May | South (St Anne's Manurewa) 126 Russell Road, Manurewa, Auckland 2102
19th May | North Shore (St Joseph's Takapuna) 10 Dominion Street, Takapuna, Auckland 0622
Register via the link below, contact Brian Gonzales (, 0274214264), or contact your parish office/priest:

Managing your Rubbish after the use of any gathering spaces (Meeting Rooms and Crypt)
All Hall hirers and users are responsible for bringing home their rubbish with them. All rubbish MUST be removed from the site at the end of their event. Please do not use the rubbish and recycling bins within the Church grounds as this is only for the residents who are living on the property.
The church crypt, parking, and adjacent premises MUST be left clean, and in good and tidy order. Additional charges may be incurred if rubbish is NOT removed off-site. Thank you.
Below are the familiar locations of the rubbish bins that you are not allowed to use, this includes putting rubbish bags in front of these bins.
Bins nearby the main door of the church's main gathering hall are only for Tenants within the Church compound only.

Bins only for Parish Office use only.

Bins nearby the alternative path to access St Benedict's Street are only for Tenants within the Church compound only.
