Dear brothers and sisters In the Lord,
Due to our strict adherence to safeguarding policies, compliance to copyright laws and commitment to protect our parishioners’ privacy, we would like to request everyone to REFRAIN from LIVESTREAMING our Masses and other liturgical celebrations. LIVESTREAMING will only be allowed once consent of everyone attending the celebration is obtained and proper prior notice to the public is done.
ACFC strives to remain committed to safeguarding and supporting our community, both spiritually, physically, and virtually, in line with the guidelines of the Diocese.
For more information and important initiatives by the Diocese in terms with safeguarding, you can visit https://www.aucklandcatholic.org.nz/services/safeguarding/. This link will give you resources and guidance about safeguarding, this includes workshops and seminars available near you or online for you to attend.
Please be guided accordingly.
Yours in Christ,
ACFC Pastoral Council