There are also some events not mentioned above listed below:
12th June 2022 (Sunday)
Election of ACFC Officers and Leadership Team after the 11:30am Mass at St Benedict's Parish. All who want to participate to vote for future ACFC Leadership Team, must be there in person to vote.
Independence Day Commemorative Mass to be held during the 11:30am Mass.
19th June 2022 (Sunday)
No Mass to be held on this day due to a special Mass for Mgrs. Paul Farmer. Please visit your local parish for Sunday mass or, you can attend Monthly Filipino Masses in Holy Cross Papatoetoe at 2:30pm, and at St Patrick's Parish in Panmure at 4:00pm.
25th June 2022 (Saturday)
25 Years, Silver Jubilee Commemorative Program at 7:30pm at St Benedict's Parish of Newton
26th June 2022 (Sunday)
Silver Jubilee ACFC Commemorative Mass at 11:30am at St Benedict's Parish of Newton