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Chaplaincy Updates - October/November 2024

Writer's picture: acfc.webadminacfc.webadmin

Updated: Oct 8, 2024

Chaplaincy Updates

October 27th 2024 (Sunday) No 11:30am Mass at St Benedict's Church - Moved to Takanini's Bruce Pulman Arena at 1:30pm

This Year, the annual Labour Day Filipino Gathering "Pistang Pilipino 2024" will be hosted here in Auckland. Organised by the Council of Auckland Philippine Organisations Inc (CAPO), with a line up of sporting activities, pageant show, and talent shows.

For more information please visit the official website

As part of the line up of events during the Pistang Pilipino 2024, the mass will be moved to Takanini, and there will be no Mass at St Benedict's Church on October 27th 2024. The Mass will take place at Takanini's Bruce Pulman Arena on Level 2 .

Details as mentioned below for Start Time and Address. 

Start Time: 1:30pm (13:30)

Address: 90 Walters Road, Takaanini, Auckland 2112 (Google Maps Direct Link: 

NOTE: ACFC Chaplaincy will be fully organising this Mass, all ministers that are supposed to be scheduled are required to serve in this Mass. Shall you have issues attending this date to serve, please get in touch with your Ministry Direct Coordinator as soon as possible.

More information of Events and Locations for the Pistang Pilipino weekend (25th to 27th October) please click here.

Reminder for all Active Ministers, Holidays are coming up!

Christmas and New Year Holidays are coming up in less than three months! Please be reminded to reach out to your Ministry Direct Coordinators for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Ministers of the Word, Altar Servers, Music. Please let them know as early as possible if you or your family are planning to go on a Vacation that may affect your coordinator's scheduling resources.

All Saints Day Mass

Please be informed that there will be an All Saints Day Mass on the 1st November 2024 at St Benedict's Church starting at 6:30pm starting with the Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Healing Masses, organised by the Voice of God Catholic Charismatic Renewal

The Healing Masses organised by the Voice of God Catholic Charismatic Renewal will be on 8th November 2024 at 6:30pm. This has been moved due to the All Saints' Day Mass on the First Friday of the Month of November.

El Shaddai 10th Anniversary Celebration on 10 November (Sunday).

El Shaddai DWXI-PPFI Auckland, New Zealand Chapter is inviting us all to join them and celebrate their 10th Anniversary Celebrations at St. Mark's Mission Parish of Pakuranga (334 Pakuranga Road, Pakuranga Heights, Auckland 2010). The event will be on the 10th November 2024 (Sunday) starting at 2pm. For more information about this event please visit or contact them via their Facebook Page, or contact Sonia Bonabora at or 0210 648 759.

Do you have a special devotion to our Blessed Mother?

The ACFC Liturgy Committee is looking for Individuals or Families who are willing to lead the rosary before our Filipino Mass starts. The rosary usually starts at 10:55am, so individuals or Families who would like to lead it must be ready and on time to lead the people into prayer.

If you are interested to lead the rosary, please reach out to Lucy Anisworth (0211157301) or Brian Gonzales (, 0274214264) for more information.

Reminders for all groups using the Crypt or any Meeting Rooms

All groups who have bookings in any of the meeting rooms or crypt are reminded below:

  • If you have any events cancelled, please let the St Benedict's Parish ( office know as soon as possible, so that other groups can use the spaced that you have booked.

  • No eating inside the meeting rooms, eating is only allowed inside the main gathering area or the crypt.

  • All rubbish must be taken home and do not use the bins in the Church grounds as these are for the tenants use only.

Thank you very much for your cooperation!

REMINDER - NO Livestreaming of Masses

We would like to remind all about the livestreaming of Sunday Masses and other liturgical celebrations are not allowed. if livestreaming of masses are to be done, this will need to have a formal notice to the public and approval. For more information and the direct Memo, please follow the link below.

Confirmation and First Communion 2024 - 22nd September 2024

On 22nd September, we have fully received 40+ candidates to be full members of our Catholic Church. Let us congratulate them and their parents, including their catechist who have worked hard to form our new full members of our church.

Let us pray that they all grow in faith with Christ in their Christian journey.

Rise Up and Shine 2024 - 21st and 22nd September 2024

On the 21st and 22nd September, the Filipino Chaplaincy participated in the Food Festival, Cultural Presentations, and the Mass.

We would like give our special thanks to our volunteers for representing our Filipino Chaplaincy below:

  • KPF Mission Ministries for being part of the Food Festival.

  • Edoo and Lilac for sharing their talents for the Cultural presentations.

  • Edoo and the Choir led by Catherine Magallon for stepping up and leading the congregation for the Psalm and First Communion Hymn.

The Mass can be viewed on Auckland Diocese's YouTube channel linked below.

Below are some photos from the Rise Up and Shine 2024.

Car Blessings after the Mass

Car blessings after the mass will only be done on 1st and 2nd Sundays of each month. If you want to have your car blessed, please approach Jonathan Arcular (02102791249) for further assistance.

Parking Reminders

All who are attending Masses and other events at St Benedict's church are required to be attentive and aware where you park your vehicle. For more detailed information, please follow the link below for more information.

It is good to see that we are getting less complaints about parking around our home church. We would like to mention this as a gentle reminder to all po and feel free to share this information. 

  1. Wilsons Carpark is Free from 12pm Saturdays until 10pm Sundays for church use only.  This is a Service Level Agreement between St Benedict's Parish and Wilsons Carpark

  2. On Street Parking is free in the weekends. Please be reminded that Mondays to Fridays, Parking is free at St Benedict's Street from 5:30pm, and Alex Evans Street from 6:30pm, until 8am the following weekday. To double check, please use the AT Park App, or check the Parking Machines and signboards available posted on the sidewalks.

  3. Tournament Parking locations at St Benedicts Street and Upper Queen Street, St Benedict's Parish do not have a Service Level Agreement. Please pay for your use in any of the carpark places at 

NOTE: If you are a coordinator, leader, or organiser of a committee, devotional group, or faith community. Shall you require to have free parking outside of the Agreed Free Period on the first point above, please email at least 5 days or more. 

Volunteers for Social Media and Technology Team

Do you have background skills in supporting Technology (such as Audio and Visual, Photography, Videography) and Social Media? Or you have a background in Public Relations and Communications, and need more experience? You can volunteer in the Chaplaincy's Social Media and Technology Team! Please note, Social Media and Technology Team Members are required to attend Safeguarding seminars, which are posted below this monthly update.

Welcoming NZSL users to Mass

We regularly see NZSL interpreters signing during Government announcements or at performances.  We know that NZSL in a official language of New Zealand.  But how do we welcome users of NZSL to our parishes.  In this workshop we will explore simple ways to make NZSL uses welcome and comfortable, practice some basic signs and have opportunities to gain insight into deaf culture.


Saturday 16 November 9.30am – 1.00pm

Mary MacKillop Chapel

56-66 Selwyn Ave, Mission Bay

Cost | Koha



It is very important for all volunteers who are either directly or indirectly involved with interacting with people. Especially for individuals (from ages 18 and above) who may interact with Children and Vulnerable Adults as part of their ministry role, to take part of any of the Safeguarding Seminars and to be police vetted. Please note that these are organised by the Catholic Diocese of Auckland. The Once you have this completed, you will be permitted to go on with your ministry activities for three (3) years.

Roles that are required to go through this process as follows below:

  • Pastoral Council Members.

  • Individuals with Coordinator Roles.

  • Extraordinary Ministers of Communion.

  • Senior Altar Server Leaders (who are above 18 years old).

  • Individuals who are part of the Children's Liturgy.

  • Any individuals who are part of any of the Service Committees (Hospitality, Ushers, First Aiders, Migrant Outreach).

  • Technology Team (Social Media).

Please refer to the attached poster for the dates, and contact Lisa-May Gray ( for more information and availability.

If you are not part of any of the required groups, we still encourage everyone to attend one of these seminars. More people trained, more people will be aware, and to protect vulnerable individuals physically, mentally, and also virtually.

We recently had an audit of our Safeguarding protocols in our Chaplaincy. Some of the audit findings includes the signing of Code of Conduct (CoC) and a Safeguarding Page. 

I am pleased to inform all that we have now implemented two of the points, and we are now encouraging all to do the following: 

  • To sign a Code of Conduct Form. 

  • For all new volunteers to sign up on the website if they wish to be volunteers. 

You can find the Code of Conduct both in Tagalog and English Versions, along with Police Vetting Request document at our dedicated webpage for volunteers at

At this moment, if you have not signed this Code of Conduct form within the past three years, please do so as soon as possible and send them to 

Please be reminded that all active volunteers and PPC (Pastoral Council) members are required to be police vetted, sign a Code of Conduct, and attend a Safeguarding Seminar within three years. If you wish to find out your Safeguarding Status, please email 

For more information, please click here to learn more about the safeguarding initiatives from the Diocese. Below are some of the available dates for you to know, if you are interested to attend one of the seminars.


Managing your Rubbish after the use of any gathering spaces (Meeting Rooms and Crypt)

All Hall hirers and users are responsible for bringing home their rubbish with them. All rubbish MUST be removed from the site at the end of their event. Please do not use the rubbish and recycling bins within the Church grounds as this is only for the residents who are living on the property.

The church crypt, parking, and adjacent premises MUST be left clean, and in good and tidy order. Additional charges may be incurred if rubbish is NOT removed off-site. Thank you.

Below are the familiar locations of the rubbish bins that you are not allowed to use, this includes putting rubbish bags in front of these bins.

Bins nearby the main door of the church's main gathering hall are only for Tenants within the Church compound only.

Bins only for Parish Office use only.

Bins nearby the alternative path to access St Benedict's Street are only for Tenants within the Church compound only.



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