Thank God we are now on COVID-19 Level One. We have more freedom compared to the other alert levels. Here are some important updates you will need to know.
Filipino Mass - First Public Mass Post Lockdown
Level 1 allows us to do all normal activities. This means from 14th June 2020 (Sunday), we have commenced our usual Filipino Sunday mass time at 11:30 am. The Mass was also live-streamed for our Filipino brothers and sisters who could not attend Sunday masses in person. The mass celebrated The Corpus Christi and commemorated our 122nd Filipino Independence Day. The video of the mass can be viewed below.
We would like to invite you to subscribe to our YouTube Channel or Like our Facebook Page to get updates for the upcoming video Livestream events.
If you wish to attend the mass in person, we would request you to please follow all the general hygiene expectations.
If you are not feeling well, stay at home, and get yourself checked. Come back, once you have got the clearance from a health professional, or once you feel well enough to participate in person.
ACFC Pledge Envelopes and Donation Receipts

Donation receipts for tax year ended 31 March 2020 and new sets of envelopes are now available for collection at the Good Shepherd Balmoral Church foyer. We encourage everyone to join our Pledge Envelope or direct back credit donation scheme to avail New Zealand tax credit or rebate.
If you wish to participate in this scheme, please contact Rey Grafia in person, by email, or mobile phone.
Sacramental Preparation Sessions

We are now accepting children from the ages of 8 years old and above to receive their First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Please approach or contact Dadai Norman for more information, on how to enroll and participate in this programme.