Good Day Brothers and Sisters,
Firstly thank you for your continual service to the church, in leading the people to sing during our Chaplaincy Liturgical Events. I have now created a second version (revision) of our Generic Template after some observations in the past months.
As a reminder, please make sure that you always use this PowerPoint Template and try to follow the font styles and format. The monthly intentions will also be available to be downloaded in this website also. Some guidelines below as a reminder for all below:
Make sure that there are no more than 3 lines per PowerPoint. If it overflows, please continue it onto the next slide (See Our Father as an example).
Font Size must be equal or greater than 85.
Photo Backgrounds can be used for songs, but make sure that the Photo Background is transparent (or faded) as possible, that you can still see the words for responses or hymns.
On special Occasion such as during Liturgical Calendar Events (e.g. Lent, Easter, Advent, Christmas, Feasts of Our Mother and Our Lord), and Novenas and Fiesta. We may have a separate templates prepared, such information will be posted here on this website.
Below is the Generic PowerPoint Template you can use to download.
Thank you for your service for the Church and to our Filipino Communities!
Regards and God Bless,
Brian Gonzales
Temporalities Coordinator - Information Technology
Worship Coordinator
0274 214 264